About Us

The Annual Work Seminar (AWS) is an internal biennial event that brings together our students, researchers and staff to share ongoing work, discuss future project ideas and celebrate interdisciplinarity!

This interactive seminar germinated in 2012 during a student meeting where the need was felt for a platform of young researchers and practitioners within ATREE. A platform to communicate their work, interact and share insights with other professionals and students, and receive and provide feedback to one another in a nurturing environment. Since then, AWS has been organised in the years 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021. AWS 2023 is the Sixth edition. The AWS platform is open to faculty, students, research associates (RAs), and representatives of ATREE’s Community Conservation Centres (CCCs). It provides a space where they can disseminate and discuss their achievements, work findings, and discuss potential work proposals with the larger ATREE community.


Three days of talks across various themes


Speaker Topic Duration
ATREE Academy Welcome Speech 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM
Manan Bhan Soil carbon stocks in restored savanna grasslands 09:20 AM - 09:40 AM
Anuja Malhotra Mapping ecosystem restoration policies in India 09:40 AM - 10:00 AM
Sanjana Nair Natural Climate Solution pathways in India 10:00 AM - 10:06 AM
Praisy Swetha Field Diaries - Stories of a nomadic community’s religious rituals 10:06 AM - 10:10 AM
Aneree Dhebar Field Diaries - Gendered perspectives on rangelands of Changthang, Ladakh 10:10 AM - 10:14 AM
Meet and greet with faculty/TEA BREAK (10:15 AM to 11:00 AM)
Priya Ranganathan Field Diaries - Stories from Sirsi, Karnataka 11:00 AM - 11:04 AM
Sarumathi N Field Diaries - Experiences from the land of Malaimadu cattle 11:04 AM - 11:08 AM
Siddappa Setty R The indigenous community, their livelihood, and the sustainable use of forest resources; lessons from the Western Ghats, South India 11:08 AM - 11:28 AM
Jintu S Vijayan Understanding the ecology of rock bees Apis dorsata in Western Ghats, India 11:28 AM - 11:34 AM
Naveen M Co-invasion and its implications and interaction between Senna spectabilis and Lantana camara in MM Hills WLS 11:34 AM - 11:40 AM
Siddappa Setty R Forest, Livelihood and Co-management in Western Ghats, South India 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Shruti Mokashi Transformative potential of decentralized forest governance 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
Priya Ranganathan Myristica swamps and their interactions with people 12:20 PM - 12:26 PM
Posters presentation during LUNCH BREAK (12.30 PM to 2.00 PM)

  • Pema Yangden Lepcha: Impact of changing agricultural practices on food systems on the Lepcha community of Dzongu, Sikkim, India.
  • Aditya Pradhan: Community priorities and values associated with ecosystem services provided by the socio-ecological landscapes of Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
  • Thangsuanlian Naulak: Inventorying of bats and their echolocation calls in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
  • Yougesh Tamang: Study on Value-Added Products from Invasive Alien Plant Species as an alternate livelihoods opportunity in the Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts of West Bengal, India
  • Yumlam Benjamin Bida: Ecology of the White-bellied Heron
  • Susadhna Gurung: Preliminary insights on Pangolin trade from Darjeeling and Kalimpong, West Bengal.
Sarala Khaling Development and implementation of strategies for the Himalayan landscape 02:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Aditya Pradhan Woodpecker communities in the differently-managed forests of Darjeeling, Eastern Himalaya, India 02:20 PM - 02:40 PM
Pema Yangden Lepcha Wild Edible Plants of Dzongu Valley, Sikkim, India: Changes in usage impacting traditional knowledge and practices 02:40 PM - 02:46 PM
Thangsuanlian Naulak More than meets the eye: Mammals in the socio-ecological production landscape of Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya 02:46 PM- 03:06 PM
Siddhartha Krishnan Ten Years of Environmental Sociology and History at ATREE: A Lab’s Past, Present and Prospects 03:06 PM - 03:26 PM
Poster Presentation during TEA BREAK (3:30 PM to 4:15 PM)

  • Pema Yangden Lepcha: Impact of changing agricultural practices on food systems on the Lepcha community of Dzongu, Sikkim, India.
  • Aditya Pradhan: Community priorities and values associated with ecosystem services provided by the socio-ecological landscapes of Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
  • Thangsuanlian Naulak: Inventorying of bats and their echolocation calls in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
  • Yougesh Tamang: Study on Value-Added Products from Invasive Alien Plant Species as an alternate livelihoods opportunity in the Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts of West Bengal, India
  • Yumlam Benjamin Bida: Ecology of the White-bellied Heron
  • Susadhna Gurung: Preliminary insights on Pangolin trade from Darjeeling and Kalimpong, West Bengal.
Seshadri K S The pleasures and perils of conserving biodiversity outside protected areas 04:15 PM- 04:35 PM
Prathamesh Amberkar Response of reptiles to modified lateritic plateaus 04:35 PM- 04:41 PM
Harsha Tej PLENARY TALK - Neck Deep in lakes
Harsha will be talking about how he figured out the most effective ways to tackle technical, social and ecological challenges of lake restoration.
04:41 PM
Speaker Topic Duration
Aravind Madhyastha Overview of research at the Freshwater Ecology and Conservation Lab 09:00 AM- 09:20 AM
Rohan Sharma Myristica swamps and odonata communities 09:20 AM - 09:40 AM
Surya Narayanan Red-eared slider Trachemys scripta elegans niche expansion in India 09:40 AM - 10:00 AM
Ryan Satish Freshwater macroinvertebrate communities in Western Ghats, India 10:00 AM- 10:06 AM
Varsha Solanki Sacred Shepherding - Understanding the interconnections between Deccani sheep, wool and the Kurubas through a craft and cultural lens. 10:06 AM - 10:12 AM
Akhil S Field Diaries - Experiences of working on restoration 10:12 AM - 10:16 AM
Maria Antony Field Diaries - A Walk on the seashore 10:16 AM - 10:20 AM
Ananda Siddhartha An introduction to scope of Conservation & Society, a journal managed by ATREE 10:20 AM - 10:24 AM
Poster presentation during TEA BREAK (10:30 AM to 11:00 AM)

  • Harisha R P : Lantana living lab and the community in Malai Mahadeshwara wildlife sanctuary

  • Chethana Casiker , Sunil G M: Bee wowed: Solitary bees in the Bengaluru landscape

  • Jagadishkumara: Sourcing fruits and veggies: A case study in Bengaluru

  • K S Arpitha: Using online decision support tools to plan ecosystem restoration

  • Hymavathi P: From Data to Action: Interactive Visualization of Venkateshpura Lake Water Quality Data
Harisha R P Story of Community Conservation Center (CCC) in Malai Mahadeshwara Hills Wildlife Sanctuary 11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
M Mathivanan Changing roles of Nandavanan in the Anthropocene: opportunities for wilding 11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Saravanan A Wetland Plants of Tamiraparani river basin, southern Tamil Nadu, India. 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Tanvi Agarwal Governance in the Cauvery delta in southern India 12:00 AM - 12:20 PM
Kezia K Field Diaries - Experiences of a forest ecosystem 12:20 PM - 12:24 PM
Navitha Varsha Field Diaries - Snippets from field notes 12:24 PM - 12:28 PM
Poster presentation during LUNCH BREAK (12.30 PM to 2.00 PM)

  • Harisha R P: Lantana living lab and the community in Malai Mahadeshwara wildlife sanctuary

  • Chethana Casiker , Sunil G M: Bee wowed: Solitary bees in the Bengaluru landscape

  • Jagadishkumara: Sourcing fruits and veggies: A case study in Bengaluru

  • K S Arpitha: Using online decision support tools to plan ecosystem restoration

  • Hymavathi P: From Data to Action: Interactive Visualization of Venkateshpura Lake Water Quality Data
Maria Antony 'My WilD Schoolyard' - A gateway to outdoor experiential learning 02:00 PM - 02:20 PM
Thalavaipandi S Preliminary study on moths along the banks of river Tamiraparani in Tirunelveli district 02:20 PM - 02:26 PM
Thanigaivel Annamalai Empowering Conservation through People's Biodiversity Register: A Case Study in Thirupudaimarudur, India's First Conservation Reserve 02:26 PM - 02:32 PM
Reema Anand Vrikshayurveda: Harnessing Nature's Healing Power for Sustainable Agroecosystems in Kuttanad 02:32 PM - 02:52 PM
Jojo T.D Building Partnerships to Resolve the Water Crisis in Kuttanad, Kerala 02:52 PM to 03:12 PM
Harshit Mishra An analysis of tourism policies in Ladakh, India 03:12 PM - 03:30 PM
Poster presentation during TEA BREAK (3.30 PM to 4 PM)

  • Harisha R P: Lantana living lab and the community in Malai Mahadeshwara wildlife sanctuary

  • Chethana Casiker , Sunil G M: Bee wowed: Solitary bees in the Bengaluru landscape

  • Jagadishkumara: Sourcing fruits and veggies: A case study in Bengaluru

  • K S Arpitha: Using online decision support tools to plan ecosystem restoration

  • Hymavathi P: From Data to Action: Interactive Visualization of Venkateshpura Lake Water Quality Data
Chethana Casiker Supporting bees in Bengaluru’s green spaces 04:00 PM - 04:20 PM
Navitha Varsha Hydroecology and megafauna in the Gandak river 04:20 PM - 04:40 PM
Dr. Gita Chadha PLENARY TALK - Is our science gendered? Conversations from feminist science studies
The talk aims at introducing the audiences to questions about the gendered nature of modern western science. Using leading works from the field of feminist science studies. The talk will engage with the nature and culture of science and suggest that gender plays a significant role in the making of science and scientific institutions. The talk will build upon the experiences and understanding of the audiences to deliver the ideas.
04:40 PM
Speaker Topic Duration
Priyanka Jamwal Integrating blue, green and grey infrastructure to urban and rural planning 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM
Rachitha Devi Scaling Up Deployment Of Nature-Based Solutions For Sustainable Water Management In Government Schools 09:20 AM - 09:26 AM
Lakshmi Raveendran Restoration Initiative for Choodasandra Lake: Assessing Water Quality and Sediment Conditions in Bangalore, India 09:26 AM - 09:32 AM
Rakesh P Dissolved Oxygen Profiles at Venkateshpura Lake: Understanding Spatial and seasonal Variations and Implications 09:32 AM - 09:38 AM
Chaithra PM Field Diaries - Comparing Conventional and Eco-Friendly Wastewater Treatment: A Study of Two Apartment Complexes 09:38 AM - 09:42 AM
Anikethan H Field Diaries 09:42 AM - 09:50 AM
Environment Education/Kaapi jothe Harathe (09:50 AM to 11:00 AM)
Milind B Introduction to the Ecoinformatics Lab at ATREE 11:00 AM - 11:06 AM
Gowri U N Satellites for Health: Using satellite radar data to map seasonal surface water in monsoon-affected areas of India for health applications 11:06 AM - 11:26 AM
Akhil Sivadas Understanding management of non-native vegetation in Kerala, India 11:26 AM - 11:32 AM
Deepthi R Assessing the potential of using OECMs for conservation in Maharashtra, India 11:32 AM - 11:38 AM
Irfan Shakeer & Divya Srinivasan Using data on socio-ecological change to understand zoonotic diseases 11:38 AM - 11:58 AM
Mujeeb Rahman Bio-cultural investigation of human-small mammal relationships with implications for mitigation of small-mammal-associated disease risks: a mixed methods approach’ 11:58 AM - 12:04 PM
Priyadarsanan Dharma Rajan Overview of the insect lab 12:04 PM - 12:24 PM
LUNCH BREAK (12:30 PM to 02:00 PM)
Faculty & Alumni Panel Discussion on Careers in Conservation: Academia & Beyond 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
TEA BREAK (03:30 PM to 04:00 PM)
Karthik Seshan and Chandrima Home Grant writing workshop 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Cultural Programme Music, dance and poetry by ATREE’s community 05:40 PM - 06:20 PM
Dinner 7 PM onwards
Contact Us

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)
Royal Enclave, Sriramapura, Jakkur Post
Bangalore 560 064, Karnataka
: +91-80-23635555 (EPABX)
: +91-80-23530070
For conference related queries please contact the organizing team at: aws@atree.org

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